Carolyn Skittrall

NWUK Delivery Partner

Get in touch:


NWUK Tas Valley aims to support you in reaching the NHS national guidelines for 150min per week of moderate physical activity, while you work towards achieving your own health goals. We provide a welcoming, friendly and supportive environment where you can make new friends and have fun while improving your health and wellness.

We are introducing the Armchair to Active 6-week Learn to Nordic Walk Programme aimed at those new to walking outdoors, those with health conditions and those who are recovering from injury. In addition there are weekly wellness walks which include strengthening exercises.  You are also able to join virtual exercise classes at home.

Nordic Walking promotes good posture, exercises the whole body, boosts your mood, reduces the risk of chronic illness, helps to control weight, improves cardiovascular health, strengthens bones and muscles, reduces stress, improves balance and is great fun as part of a group.

Why not sign up for a free taster session today?

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Programmes Delivered
  • NWUK Delivery Partner
  • Nordic Wellbeing

Contact Carolyn Skittrall

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Activities by Carolyn Skittrall
