Activity: Friday Cafe Walk - Lacock Abbey & Bowden Hill

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Pace: Moderate

  • 4

Intensity: Medium

  • 3

Gradient: Medium

  • 3
Explorer WALX

Price: £12.00

  • Distance: 6 Miles
  • Date: Fri 28th June
  • Time: 10:30 AM - 2:30 PM
  • Location Name: Lacock Abbey - SN15 2LG
  • Address: Lacock Abbey, Hither Way, Lacock SN15 2LL, United Kingdom
  • W3W: parsnips.toolbar.intro
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Main Instructor:

WALX Wessex

Walk Description:

From one hour WALX in your local country park to a half day in the hills, our Explorer WALX capture the variety of scenery, themes and types of WALX that suit your lifestyle. If you love WALX to the pub or WALX with the dog or simply WALX in wild locations we have them all! Whether long, short, tough or gentle we welcome all ages and all levels.

Today we have a special walk a bit further afield at Lacock Abbey. The walk is 6 miles and should take 2 hours. You can then optionally stay for lunch or just a coffee - it is Friday!! and an explore of this pretty town in West Wiltshire including the abbey and its grounds. It is likely that the gardens will be filled with snowdrops and early daffodils.

 Please note that ground conditions in this area are subject to flooding so I may need to change the route a few days prior to the walk if conditions are too wet.

Today's Walk: Lacock Abbey towards Bowden House and back on the Wilts & Berks canal.

Length and Grade: 6 miles - fairly easy pace takng around 2 hours. There are some hills but we will take these at an easy pace.

Location: Meet at the Lacock NT car park. There are charges for parking (NT members are FREE). Consider car sharing.

Notes: We will book a table for lunch at a local cafe or restaurant. When you book this walk please email or text me to let me know if you are staying for lunch.


Location Notes:

The car park is FREE to National Trust members. If you don't have a NT sticker you need to pay and display.