Activity: Mary's Tintwistle Tracks

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Pace: Moderate

  • 4

Intensity: Medium

  • 3

Gradient: Medium

  • 3
 NORDIC Adventure Walks

Price: £8.00

  • Only 9 places remaining!
  • Distance: 4 Miles
  • Date: Mon 5th August
  • Time: 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM
  • Location Name: Tintwistle
  • Address: Sexton Street, Tintwistle, SK13 1JN, United Kingdom
  • W3W: chestnuts.jaundice.modest
  • Show location on map
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Hosted By:

Mary Fitton

Walk Description:

Come and discover the paths around Tintwistle

Every Monday we`ll change our location (although they`ll all be in & around Glossop) to discover some hidden treasures



Important Information

Distance: approx 4 miles

Terrain: paths, quiet lanes, odd hill. Some paths might be muddy after rain

Stiles: maybe

Toilets: none

Car parking: free

Cafe: in Hadfield


If you need to borrow poles, please let Mary know when booking. All poles will be cleaned before & after use, and straps will be washed after every use

Please dress appropriately for the weather, and don’t forget water, waterproofs (if necessary), suncream & bugspray! 

We will set off promptly. Please arrive 10mins early so you are ready to go.  

Please do not be offended if we do not wait whilst you get yourself sorted. We do a warm up close by so please do catch up.

Contact Mary directly if you are running late/need to cancel. Similarly, if you book onto the walk less than 12hrs before the start, please text so we know to wait for you.  


Cancellation Policy

Cancellations more than 24hrs before a walk can be made on the Exercise Anywhere booking system. Cancellations made less than 24hrs before a walk will not be refunded and cannot be made on the system - please contact Mary either by phone or text to cancel.

Location Notes:

Turn off the A628/Woodhead road (signposted Hadfield & Padfield). Sexton St is immediately on your left There are about 10 parking spaces. If they are full, there is plenty of on street parking nearby. Please be mindful of residents' access