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From the NWUK Community

Exciting Times!

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We are looking forward to some great walks as the weather improves. All our groups are thriving at the moment. There are a number of members taking part in the Grasmere Gallop on the first of June and there has been a lot of work to improve fitness levels. Our well-being groups go from strength

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It’s Nearly Santa Dash time!

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It’s only 4 days until Nordic Walking Saddleworth’s santas start the Saddleworth Santa Dash. We lead this event off every year and it’s such a joy to walk down the high street singing to the crowds. There will be 20 of us this year. It would be lovely to have more Santas in 2024 –

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It’s Nearly Santa Dash time!

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It’s only 4 days until Nordic Walking Saddleworth’s santas start the Saddleworth Santa Dash. We lead this event off every year and it’s such a joy to walk down the high street singing to the crowds. There will be 20 of us this year. It would be lovely to have more Santas in 2024 –

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