As most of you know I like to set myself goals throughout the year – they help me stay focused and challenged.
A lot of them are goals that push me to my limits, both mentally and physically, but some might be just for fun or to learn a new skill.
Some I may not achieve – Covid has taught me that our GOALS need to be flexible – but they stay with me and I know that one day, I’ll be ticking them off the list.
If you have some goals you want to fulfil for 2022 then now is a good time to start working out how you might get there.
So whether you want to walk 5 miles or 50…
Write them down – they become more REAL.
THINK about whether they are short, medium or long-term goals.
Think about other smaller goals you might need to ACHIEVE along the way in order to get the bigger goal.
Plan when you might DO them and HOW you might do them.
Ask people to HELP you. WE CAN HELP YOU!
As well as our regular program of walks, we are busy preparing a calendar of different events for members of NWW throughout 2022 and will shortly be putting up some key dates.
Hopefully, some of these will inspire you to make 2022 a cracking year and help you to be the BEST that you can be!