Activity: RHS Gardens Rosemoor

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Pace: Medium

  • 3

Intensity: Low

  • 2

Gradient: Low

  • 2
 NORDIC Adventure Walks

Price: £5.00

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Walk Description:


We’ll kick start our senses (and our body) with a warm up in the grassed area adjacent to the lower carpark beneath the protection of the coniferous trees before beginning our walk.

Located to the SE of Great Torrington RHS Rosemoor nestles in 120 acres of woodlands and sits within a steep wooded valley overlooking the River Torridge. 

Rosemoor blends numerous formal & informal areas including woodlands each with its own distinct characteristics, a lake, professionally designed gardens and bespoke planting (European, Asian, Chinese, Himalayan & Japanese) too.  

Let the adventure begin; we will enter that gardens and begin our adventure along the Lower Woodland Walk.

Having passed by the Exhibition room & Learning centre we follow the hard surfaced pathways as far as the lake. Taking in all that the area has to offer both naturally and manmade. Some of the sculptures are simply amazing (as are the costs!)

From here we will make our way via the fruit field to the Fruit & Veg garden then via the orchard to the underpass. From here we have 2 options:

Option 1. Then onto the Croquet lawn, Stumpery, Arboretum and back via the underpass to the Rose, Hot, Cool & Winter gardens before retiring to one of the many Cafes for some local fresh refreshments.

Option 2. Follow the pathway to the Holiday Apartments before picking up the Upper Woodland walk. (This is where you will really appreciate your poles and uphill techniques you have mastered!!) While steep it affords glimpses of the valley below the higher you go. We will follow the upper walk via two Silent Spaces to the far end of the gardens before zig zagging our way down the hillside and enter the Stone garden. From here we will make our way back to the underpass then follow the paths as in Option 1 to the Café) 

Location Notes:

RHS Rosemoor is located to the East of Great Torrington Via the A386 or A3124