Activity: WALX Coast and Country SunSET Walk - Highdown Hill

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Pace: Very Low

  • 1

Intensity: Low

  • 2

Gradient: Medium

  • 3
Explorer WALX (no discount)

Price: £0.00

  • Distance: 2 Miles
  • Date: Sat 31st August
  • Time: 7:15 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Location Name: Highdown Hill
  • Address: 5 A259, Ferring, Worthing BN12, UK
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Main Instructor:

Chris Woods

Hosted By:

Chris Woods

Walk Description:


We are pleased to announce WALX Coast and Country will be running a Sunset Walk for the first time  this year on Saturday 31st August.

Rather than ask for sponsorship there will be no charge but we ask for a donation IF you did not do the sunrise walk in the morning.  Equal donations to St Barnabas Hospice and Juvenile Arthritis Research 

The walk will simply be to the highest point of Highdown Hill (walked at a comfortable pace for you!) where we will enjoy the setting sun. 


Finish with drinks in the Highdown

Location Notes:

Free car parking, toilets and tea room. Follow signs for Highdown Gardens. Meet at the top car park.