Activity: Upton Heath Evening Pacer

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Pace: Moderate

  • 4

Intensity: Moderate

  • 4

Gradient: Medium

  • 3
Explorer WALX

Price: £6.00

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Main Instructor:

Andrea Salmon

Hosted By:

Andrea Salmon

Walk Description:

A lovely walk over Upton Heath with some inclines and fantastic views over Poole Harbour.

This is a fast paced walk.It is suitable for those with a good level of fitness.

We will meet by the gate accessing Upton Heath at the end of Beacon Road.There is free street parking. The walk is mostly on good shingle paths.There are some steeper sections.Some sections may be muddy.Sometimes cattle and ponies are on the Heath



Location Notes:

There is free road parking at the far end of Beacon Road cul-de-sac, near the gate to Upton Heath