Activity: Online and Recorded Feldenkrais class

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Pace: Very Low

  • 1

Intensity: Very Low

  • 1
Exercise Anywhere

Price: £7.00

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Main Instructor:

Joy Morris

Walk Description:

- Would you like to stand or walk more comfortably?

- Would you like to walk/run further or faster?

- Would you like to improve your flexibility or athletic performance?

If so this class is for you.


The class will involve gentle movements, initially lying on the floor. These will help to 'reboot' your nervous system into organising a more efficient 'posture'.

Please ensure you have enough space at home to lie down ideally with an arm's length clearance around the side and top of your body.

When you have booked on I will email you a zoom link just before the class, and an audio recording after the class.

If you cannot afford this class and want to join please email me.

See to learn more about the Feldenkrais Method.


Location Notes:

This is an online class. After you have booked I will send you the zoom link.