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The Bluebell is the sweetest flower

That waves in summer air

Its blossoms have the mightiest power

To soothe my spirit’s care

Emily Bronte



It’s BLUEBELL WEEK here at Nordic Walking Watford!

Enchanting and iconic, bluebells are a favourite with us, and a sure sign spring is in full swing. The violet glow of a bluebell wood is an incredible wildflower spectacle.

Every spring, the floor of the ancient woodlands in this area is transformed into a mass of fragrant bluebells. This spectacular carpet of vibrant blue captures the very essence of British woodland.

Bluebells are unmistakable bell-shaped perennial herbs. They actually spend the majority of their time underground as bulbs, emerging, often in droves, to flower from April onwards.

The LEAVES are narrow – around 7mm to 25mm wide, and 45cm in length. They are strap-shaped, smooth, and hairless, with a pointed tip.

The FLOWERS are usually deep violet-blue in colour, bluebells are bell-shaped with six petals and up-turned tips. These sweet-smelling flowers nod or droop to one side of the flowering stem (known as an inflorescence) and have creamy white-coloured pollen inside. Some bluebell flowers can be white or pink and up to 20 flowers can grow on one inflorescence (fabulous word!)


The bluebell has many names: English bluebell, wild hyacinth, wood bell, bell bottle, Cuckoo’s Boots, Wood Hyacinth, Lady’s Nightcap and Witches’ Thimbles, Hyacinthoides non-scripta

And it is actually against the law to intentionally pick, uproot or destroy bluebells


Do you know the difference between English Woodland Bluebells and the Spanish cross?

The Spanish Bluebell:

  • The bells are all around the stem, not just on one side which gives the English bluebell its drooping stature.
  • The leaves are wider and bigger.
  • The petals of each bell open wider and flare at the ends rather than curl.
  • The bells are slimmer than on the English bluebell.
  • The stamen is blue on the Spanish version, and yellow on the English one.
  • The flowers are a delicate shade of pale blue whereas the English variety is a deeper blue
  • There is less scent – the English bluebell is stronger scented.
  • Is taller than the English bluebell
  • Can tolerate sunshine and happily grows in open spaces, whereas the English bluebell prefers at least partial shade and is never
  • Is found growing in open spaces.
  • Lifts their heads toward the sun. English bluebells never do.


The English Bluebell  

 The Spanish Bluebell

Remember, bluebells are vulnerable to trampling all year round, not just when they’re flowering in spring, so watching your step throughout the seasons is important.

We have a whole week of splendid BLUEBELL WALKS taking in the very best of our local displays.

Check out our programme for the best of our Bluebell Walks!





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