Nordic Walking Watford

Tracy Reeve

Get in touch:


Do you want to commit to your long term wellbeing with a group of like-minded sociable walkers?


NORDIC WALKING WATFORD can help you stay accountable for your fitness goals and revitalise old habits to get you moving again.


Join us on our regular guided group walks around the Watford area and surrounding countryside.


Our walks suit all fitness levels and abilities –  click FURTHER DETAILS for more info

Further Details...

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Programmes Delivered
  • NWUK Delivery Partner
  • Ultimate Nordic Circuits
  • Nordic Wellbeing
  • Ultimate Nordic Ski Fit
  • Power of Poles
  • Total Body Walking

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Activities by Nordic Walking Watford





JUST ONE THING…   Last week there was a huge flurry of excitement within the Nordic Walking community around Dr Michael Mosly’s brilliant podcast “Just One Thing”.   The broadcast focuses on the concept that if time is tight, what’s the one thing that you should be doing to improve your health and well-being? Michael

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NWW BOOTS AND BOOKS Love walking? Love books? Then why not combine the two with our BOOTS AND BOOKS club!   A spark of an idea a few years ago about Boots and Books, came to fruition in lockdown when we couldn’t be together but, like everyone else, we could get together through the powers […]

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NORDIC WALKING POLES Are Nordic Walking poles different to normal walking poles ? Well yes they are and if you want to gain the full benefits of Nordic walking you need the RIGHT type of poles that are the RIGHT size for you Nordic Walking is all about PROPULSION so unlike typical trekking poles which […]

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CHALLENGE 24   As we head towards to 2024, it’s a great time to think about what YOU want to achieve in the coming year – whether that’s fitness, wellbeing, practical or personal. Why not challenge yourself in 2024 with our brand new multi-level challenge? What does a challenge mean? It means you’ve stepped outside […]

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Meet the Team

Sue Southern

Role: Walk Leader

Sue says:

“I joined NWW back in 2022 after looking for a local Nordic Walking Group. I enjoy walking outside in nature and have discovered so many new local rural areas with the group. There are so many different levels and distances of walks available. In October 2024 there was an opening for a new walk leader and I have completed the relevant training now. I love the idea of leading and sharing walks with such a friendly sociable group, especially finishing at a cafe for a well earned coffee! “
Sue Southern

Role: Walk Leader

Sue says:

“I joined NWW back in 2022 after looking for a local Nordic Walking Group. I enjoy walking outside in nature and have discovered so many new local rural areas with the group. There are so many different levels and distances of walks available. In October 2024 there was an opening for a new walk leader and I have completed the relevant training now. I love the idea of leading and sharing walks with such a friendly sociable group, especially finishing at a cafe for a well earned coffee! “
Tracy Reeve

Role: Lead Instructor and Business Owner

Tracy is an accredited Instructor and Delivery Partner for Nordic Walking UK. She is the owner of Nordic Walking Watford and delivers TECHNIQUE courses and leads regular walks, both during the week and at weekends.

Tracy says

Having had two children and several courses of treatment for Breast Cancer, I started 2015 at an all-time low in terms of fitness and wellbeing. I knew I wanted to get back into regular exercise but was struggling to find something that would work for me. I stumbled across Nordic Walking, liked the idea of exercising outdoors and booked my course… I was hooked!

I now enjoy taking part in endurance walking and successfully completed the iconic Race to the Stones in July 2016, Race to the King and the Purbeck Marathon in 2017, Yorkshire Three Peaks in 2018 and Race to the Tower in 2019.

I firmly believe that Nordic Walking has something to offer everyone – from those who haven’t exercised for some time through to those who train regularly. As a Nordic Walking Instructor, I aim to encourage and inspire people to get active through Nordic Walking and realise the many benefits it can bring.

Our walks are always enjoyable, even on a rainy day, and the members of our group are very supportive and encouraging of each other.


Tracy has recently been nominated a Hero of Hertfordshire and was a finalist in the Watford Mayor’s Audentior Awards for her Contribution to Sport and Healthy Living.

Gary Ansell

Role: Instructor

Gary is an accredited NWUK Instructor and will be teaching our Power of Poles technique courses as well as leading some of his own group walks.

Gary is First Aid trained.

Gary says:

I’ve always loved walking and have particularly fond memories of two treks in the Annapurna region in Nepal, one to Annapurna Base Camp where we reached an elevation of 13,500ft which was literally breath-taking!

I took up Nordic Walking in November 2017. My wife and I had been searching for a way to keep us fit that we could both share and enjoy. I had suffered a back injury the previous year and not being gym-types, Nordic Walking looked to be an ideal way to keep moving and sure enough, after completing our course, we’ve not looked back.

With Nordic Walking Watford, even though I am Watford born and bred, I’ve discovered so many beautiful places that I didn’t realise are right here on our doorstep in Hertfordshire. As part of Nordic Walking UK I’ve been able to walk with other groups in Chichester, Dorset, the Peak District and Yorkshire to name but a few.

In April 2021, I qualified as a Nordic Walk Instructor and enjoy teaching Nordic Walking and assisting Tracy Reeve at Nordic Walking Watford.

I’m not really one for walking too much on my own so the social aspect of walking in groups has been a real benefit and at the same time I’m getting just the right level of exercise I want, outside in the fresh air with wonderful countryside to look at. What more could one want?

Caroline Eldred

Role: Instructor

Caroline started Nordic Walking in 2016 as part of her recovery from a prolapsed disc. In 2018 she became a Nordic Walking Leader for Nordic Walking Watford.

Caroline leads a Gear 1 walk from Leavesden on a Friday morning and a Gear 2 walk on a Sunday morning. In addition, Caroline heads up our brilliant Boots and Books club, leading the monthly walk and preparing our literary discussions.

Caroline says “I love Nordic Walking, being outdoors, the friendliness of our group, the health and fitness benefits that it brings me. Because of that I decided that I wanted to help others learn about the benefits, so in 2024 I qualified as a Nordic Walking Instructor with the Watford group.”


Ann Saffery

Role: Walk Leader

Ann is an accredited NWUK Leader, and will mainly be leading the Tuesday evening and Friday evening walks but may provide occasional cover for any of the other walks.
First Aid trained.
Ann says: “Having taken up Nordic walking in June 2014 with my husband, in an effort to get fitter and lose some weight, we have achieved both goals and now thoroughly enjoy regular walks in the evenings and at weekends.  The variety of Wellbeing, Workout and Adventure routes has kept us coming back for more and I was pleased to have the opportunity to train as a walk leader with NWUK.  The dark evenings and cold weather hasn’t put either of us off, but we do look forward to spring and summer when we can get back into the fields and woodlands – there is so much countryside on our doorstep!  With a sedentary day job and not getting any younger, Nordic Walking has proved to be an ideal exercise routine and social activity. Why not come and join us? You will love it!”


Jackie Holden

Role: Yoga Teacher

Jackie has been with Nordic Walking Watford since its inception in 2012 and is a regular and experienced Nordic Walker with us.

Jackie is also a qualified YOGA instructor of some 25 years and now delivers virtual ZOOM yoga classes with Nordic Walking Watford. Yoga – the perfect partner exercise to Nordic Walking – is an ancient form of exercise, originating in India about 5,000 years ago, that focuses on strength, flexibility, and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing.

The main components of yoga are postures (a series of movements designed to increase strength and flexibility) and breathing.

Yoga compliments Nordic Walking perfectly in providing a strong core and balance concept.


Joanne Lewis

Role: Walk Leader

Joanne is an accredited NWUK Leader and will be back marking some of our larger group walks as well as leading some of her own smaller group walks.

Joanne is First Aid trained.

Joanne says:

With very elderly dogs that could no longer cope with long walks, I was finding it hard to motivate myself to go out walking alone, and I have always preferred exercising outdoors – whatever the weather.  In July 2019, my husband booked us both onto Tracy’s course as a surprise for me.

One year later, and July 2020 now sees me being a walk leader. A year ago I could never have imagined that! In such a short space of time, I have made some really wonderful friends and met such interesting people. Everyone is so supportive of each other’s exercise aims. I enjoy all the walks and being surrounded by such lovely scenery. Whether walking in the Alps, or Hertfordshire – I just love walking!


Heather Constance

Role: Walk Leader

Heather is an accredited NWUK Leader and will be back marking some of our larger group walks as well as leading some of her own smaller group walks.

Heather is First Aid trained.


Lyn Emerson

Role: Walk Leader

Lyn is an accredited NWUK Leader and will be back marking some of our larger group walks as well as leading some of her own smaller group walks.

Lyn is First Aid trained.

Lyn says:


Back in 2015 I was heading towards retirement and looking for a pastime to do with others while keeping active. Look no further than Nordic Walking, plenty of exercise outdoors with good company, and some great coffee venues. Nordic Walking has opened my eyes to so many different places on our doorsteps to enjoy and has opened up lots of new friends to share the walks with.


Liz Newman

Role: Walk Leader

Liz is an accredited NWUK Leader and will be back marking some of our larger group walks as well as leading some of her own smaller group walks.

Liz is First Aid trained.

Liz says:

I have been with NWW for 6 years now and have recently become a backmarker and walk leader.  I love Nordic walking and being outdoors in the beautiful countryside. It is a great way to exercise and my fitness has definitely improved. We are a friendly group, who enjoys a good chat along the way and socialising over a coffee after the walk. There is always someone to encourage and motivate you when you really don’t think you will make it up that hill – I know I have been there many times and there’s a great sense of achievement when you do reach the top! So come and join us, you won’t look back.

Catherine Mountford

Role: Walk Leader

Catherine is an accredited NWUK Leader and will be back marking some of our larger group walks as well as leading some of her own smaller group walks.

Catherine is First Aid trained.

Tina Kelly

Role: Walk Leader

Tina is an accredited NWUK Leader and will be back marking some of our larger group walks as well as leading some of her own smaller group walks.

Tina is First Aid trained.

Lesley Frankish

Role: Walk Leader

Lesley is an accredited NWUK Leader and will be back marking some of our larger group walks as well as leading some of her own smaller group walks.

Lesley is First Aid trained.

Lesley says:

Back in 2015, with my daughter leaving home to go to University,  I was looking for something to do for me and came across an advert in the local paper for Nordic Walking Watford; as I’ve always enjoyed walking I signed up for the Learn To course and was hooked.

What’s not to enjoy about a walk, and natter followed by coffee,  whilst keeping fit and exploring the local area?

Alison Stockwell

Role: Walk Leader and Mountain Leader

Alison has a wealth of walking experience under her belt. Alison is first aid trained and a qualified Mountain Leader.

Alison says:

I have been passionate about outdoor activities all my life and I gave up my desk job in 2019 to spend more time pursuing those interests.  I’m qualified as a mountain leader and usually spend my summers leading treks in the Alps. I also teach navigation and climbing and do DofE and Scout work. I took up Nordic Walking in 2019 because it’s a natural extension to those activities, and it’s fun.

Pearl Tincknell

Role: Walk Leader

Pearl is an accredited NWUK leader and will be back marking our larger groups, as well as providing walk leader cover for various walks when needed.
First Aid Trained
“After retiring in 2019, I was looking for an activity to ensure that I continued to enjoy walking with an opportunity to make new friendships.
I first met Tracy on a snowy day in February 2020 for my introduction to Nordic walking. This was followed by coffee and pancakes. I then knew I had found what I was looking for.
Then came lockdown, but not to be discouraged, I took part in all the virtual challenges and once we could all return to group walking continued to walk regularly.
Early in 2023 I found I had more time, so I decided to get more involved with the group and take on more responsibility by training as a walk leader. My aim is to share with you the enjoyment of being part of Nordic Walking Watford.”
Sue Southern

Role: Walk Leader

Sue says:

“I joined NWW back in 2022 after looking for a local Nordic Walking Group. I enjoy walking outside in nature and have discovered so many new local rural areas with the group. There are so many different levels and distances of walks available. In October 2024 there was an opening for a new walk leader and I have completed the relevant training now. I love the idea of leading and sharing walks with such a friendly sociable group, especially finishing at a cafe for a well earned coffee! “


from members of Nordic Walking Watford


Thank you so much for all your help and guidance on the Power of Poles Introduction course. It was really enlightening and although I was a little achy afterwards, I felt so good! I really think that a regular Nordic Walk will be hugely beneficial for me so I have booked two walks straightaway - here goes!


A very special event!

Just wanted to say thank you for organising the Spooky Halloween Afternoon Tea yesterday. It was a very special event and I appreciate all the thought that went into it.


Nordic Walking is the perfect Mindfulness Practice

Nordic Walking is the perfect mindfulness practice!

And no matter what is happening in my life, a Nordic Walk ALWAYS makes me feel better and enables my mind to switch off and reset




It’s just perfect for head, body & soul!

Nordic Walking gives me an exercise outlet to burn off my day’s stress, working as hard as feel I need to in the beauty & variety that the great outdoors provides - which I love - and the added benefit of walking with a group.

It’s like having an army of friends (or therapists) that are always on hand!

It’s just perfect for head, body & soul - I wouldn’t be without it.




Nordic walking makes me happy!

Nordic walking makes me happy, keeps me fit, has helped me appreciate the outdoors and, more importantly, I've met some brilliant people that I now call friends.



I am the person I am today because of Nordic Walking

I can’t think of the words to describe what Nordic Walking has done for me, and can do for you.

Simply put, I am the person I am today because of it and because of the brilliant people I walk with.

THANK YOU Nordic Walking Watford



Fresh air and a full-body workout

Fresh air and a full-body workout with very friendly leaders and walkers!

What more could you ask for?



Yoga Nordic Walks

I loved the new Yoga Walk!

It was so relaxing and calming - and felt quite liberating being able to feel the elements and connect with nature. Looking forward to next week!



I lost my passion for learning during lockdown.

Nordic Walking has helped me find to again - I LOVE IT!


NWW Boots and Books Club

I loved your book club recommendation in 2020, The Salt Path, by Raynor Winn.

I wanted to let you know that my husband, my Leki poles and I walked the South West Coastal Path during June and July this year, covering over 630 miles!

I wanted to thank you for recommending this inspirational book, and for inspiring me to do more walking!


Everyone is so friendly!

I thoroughly enjoyed yesterdays walk and thank you for helping me with my technique.

It was my first coffee and chat afterwards too and that was just lovely - everyone is so friendly


Excellent Challenge Event

Excellent walk and excellent company.

Thank you so much for organising the Chess Valley Challenge event.


Great for all abilities

Tracy was very good - both patient and informative and included every one of all abilities.


Great fun!

A great fun course with a knowledgable and enthusiastic instructor.


Highly recommend!

The team are very welcoming and friendly. I would highly recommend Nordic Walking for both fitness and social interaction.


I thoroughly enjoyed the beginner's course!

I thoroughly enjoyed the beginner's course. Tracy is very patient in explaining the technique.


Nordic Walking and Bronchiectasis

I really enjoy my Nordic Walking with helpful instructors and friendly members to support me. Although I don't go as often as some other members, I try to walk at least once a week as this has helped my health. I have Bronchiectasis and would frequently suffer from chest infections but since walking regularly I have been clear of infection for over a year. Thank you ladies

Jean Gray, 77