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From the NWUK Community

GLOVES! Some helpful advice from WALX HQ

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A VERY useful article from WALX HQ.  We have a discussion about gloves at the start of almost every walk at the moment so thought I would share this info!     “We often get asked if you can use gloves with Nordic walking Poles and the answer is YES. What’s more, we advise that you

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Christmas Gift Ideas for Walkers

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What’s on your Christmas List this year?!  Or are you struggling for ideas for someone?  If they are a keen walker here are some ideas………..   Waterproof socks I mentioned these in my previous blog about “What to Wear in the Rain”.  I’ve had a pair since early November and they have certainly been one

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What to wear when Nordic Walking in the Rain!

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I know it is a bit of a cliche, but there really is no such thing as the wrong weather – you just need the right clothing.  There has been a lot of rain this week so I thought it may be worth giving my top tips on keeping you and your kit dry!  

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Nordic Walking

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October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and it just so happens that recently I have had two new clients join my group who are recovering from breast cancer.   I was aware that Nordic Walking had been shown to be beneficial to those recovering from this disease but had not actually done any reading around the

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Nordic News September 2022

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September has come around so quickly!  At least we are still enjoying some sunshine – although some rain would be quite welcome!   I am back from holiday feeling refreshed and bursting with new ideas!  September is always a good time to try something new – so if you haven’t yet taken the plunge you

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September! A great time to find a new way to exercise!

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Being outdoors and in nature is proven to boost mood and being active is something everybody NEEDS to do in order to remain healthy.   So why not combine the two?   Nordic Walking turns a walk into a workout because it involves the upper body as well as the legs which in turn means

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Nordic Walking Adventures by Train plus Paddleboarding and Forest Bathing!

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I hope you are all having a wonderful summer!  I’m about to disappear on my annual family holiday but will be back at the end of August refreshed and ready to start again with lots of new ideas and walks to take us into the final quarter of the year.     Firstly, a huge

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Finding Walks

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One question that I am asked frequently is “how do you find all the walks?”  I think that most people realise that when I am not walking with clients, I spend A LOT of my time finding new routes, walking them several times, risk assessing them……before they get added to my repertoire!   Naturally it

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Travel Tips For Walkers

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Planning a trip this Summer? See below for some tips to make holiday travel and walking comfortable …in all weathers! Tip 1 – Check your airline’s policy on poles! If you plan on travelling with your Walking poles this Summer be aware……… Very few airlines will allow you to board with poles as hand luggage. To

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Is it better to run or walk?

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So many people who join my group do so because they used to run but no longer feel that they can continue (mainly due to injury).  They are often surprised that Nordic Walking can tick many of the boxes that running did (in terms of feel -good factor and energy burn).  Here are some things

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Nordic Walking for Health

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Nordic Walking Tonbridge is 1 year old this month and it has certainly been a moment for me to reflect on my journey from Finance Director to Nordic Walking Instructor!   The health benefits of walking are indisputable – almost any news or magazine article about health and wellness will include walking amongst the top

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Nordic Walking for Teenagers

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We are all aware of how important it is for teens to exercise but it seems that once they get to secondary school, the opportunities for regular exercise dwindle and the digital world we live in means that teens can easily become sedentary – the pandemic has not helped!  Unless your teen is a sporty

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