From the NWUK Community
By Jane Lees at
Our calendars are ready to order!!! And you can choose from A4 (photo & calendar on an A4 page) or slim The more we order the cheaper they are, so the prices will most likely come down (but won’t go up) A4 Small £23 Slim (40x15cm) £22 Last day to order: Friday 24 November
By Nordic Walking Watford at
WALKING THE DALESWAY Many of you who know me, will be aware that I LOVE a challenge. It’s a big focus for our Nordic Walking Watford members too and I often set them goals through the year. WHY? Well, when we set a goal, we are giving ourselves a target to strive for.
By Nordic Walking New Forest at
A great day out on the IOW! We were lucky enough to have the perfect weather – warm but not too hot and a brilliant breeze! We started our adventure at Lymington and had a late breakfast on the ferry over to Yarmouth. The walk took us along the old railway to Freshwater Bay –
By Nordic Walking New Forest at
We had a great, 9 mile walk on Tuesday along the coastline from Chewton Bunny to Mudeford Quay then got the little ferry over the Hengistbury Head where we had a lovely walk and coffee stop at the top of the hill with views! We were grateful for part cloud cover to keep the temperature
By Nordic Walking Watford at
This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week is from 15th to 21st May. Focusing on anxiety for this year, the aim is to increase people’s awareness and understanding of anxiety by providing information on the things that can help prevent it from becoming a problem. Anxiety is a normal emotion in us all, but sometimes it
By Denis & Sue Collen at
The path through Pear Wood in Stanmore is at it’s bluebell best at the moment. This path leads up from the lake and there is a sea of blue on both sides of the path. So beautiful.
By Denis & Sue Collen at
What a merry band we were on Wednesday as we set off from Strawberry Hill towards Kew. The path towards Richmond has lots of interesting houses on both banks of the Thames and after a lunch break we continued our way and saw lots of rowing crews out on the river and a fox posing
By Rebecca Wheatley at
Hello Norfolk Nordic Walkers… …HAPPY MAY – IT’S NATIONAL WALKING MONTH!!! Summer is around the corner and the weather is finally starting to warm up. Check out the photos for a little slice of the April Action. Yup there’s been a lot of rain too – cannot deny it – but it never
By Nordic Walking Watford at
The Bluebell is the sweetest flower That waves in summer air Its blossoms have the mightiest power To soothe my spirit’s care Emily Bronte It’s BLUEBELL WEEK here at Nordic Walking Watford! Enchanting and iconic, bluebells are a favourite with us, and a sure sign spring is in full swing. The violet glow
By Rebecca Wheatley at
Hello Norfolk Nordic Walkers, Spring is in the air and the weather is finally starting to warm up. This means it is time to start our annual Spring Watch and enjoy the signs of the changing seasons and lighter, brighter, longer days. We swap the squelch of muddy boots with the calls of birds. Add
By Nordic Walking Watford at
CHALLENGE 23 It’s not about winning And it’s not about losing. It’s about showing up! So, we are nearly a quarter of the way through our 2023 Challenge. We’ve already seen some great progress and really dedicated walking – WELL DONE! Have you been able to complete each one so far? If
By Nordic Walking Watford at
In 2012, Bradley Wiggins became the first British cyclist to win the Tour de France. The next year, his teammate Chris Froome won the race, and he would go on to win again in 2015, 2016, and 2017, giving the British team five Tour de France victories in six years. Prior to this, professional cyclists