NWUK Instructors

Instructors delivering classes in the UK

Carolyn Skittrall

NWUK Tas Valley aims to support you in reaching the NHS national guidelines for 150min per week of moderate physical activity, while you work towards achieving your own health goals. We provide a welcoming, friendly and supportive environment where you can make new friends and have fun while improving your health and wellness.

We are introducing the Armchair to Active 6-week Learn to Nordic Walk Programme aimed at those new to walking outdoors, those with health conditions and those who are recovering from injury. In addition there are weekly wellness walks which include strengthening exercises.  You are also able to join virtual exercise classes at home.

Nordic Walking promotes good posture, exercises the whole body, boosts your mood, reduces the risk of chronic illness, helps to control weight, improves cardiovascular health, strengthens bones and muscles, reduces stress, improves balance and is great fun as part of a group.

Why not sign up for a free taster session today?

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Norfolk Nordic Walking

My aim as an instructor is to inspire more people to be become more active and to love the sense of ‘feel good’ that exercise instills. Nordic walking (not to be confused with trekking, hill walking or rambling) uses 90% of your muscles – it truly is a workout that tones the whole body – it’s as simple as that!

The benefits are huge…
-It burns 46% more calories than ordinary walking
-It increases your energy levels
-It helps you tone up and GET FIT
-It’s great for neck, shoulder and back problems
-It’s easy on the knees and joints
-It’s suitable for all ages and all levels of ability
-It’s green exercise – turning the Great Outdoors into a gym.
-It’s FUN!

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Tug Wilson

Nordic Walking is used as the ‘Hub’  for Lesu ’s fitness programmes as it encompasses all of the elements required for progression during physical activity with the added bonus of its appeal to all ages and fitness abilities Tug runs his business with his wife Bibi, also an advanced fitness instructor, NWUK Instructor and Medical professional with the NHS

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Havering Nordic Walkers

Havering Nordic Walkers started in February 2015 and continues to grow as more people are discovering the all round benefits of Nordic Walking for enhancing wellbeing and improving physical fitness. Havering has an abundance of green spaces, parks and nature reserves which many of our clients only begin to discover when they join us for sessions.

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Uttlesford Nordic Walking

We are a friendly group who love to share our passion for Nordic Walking and helping people to achieve their goals. Nothing make us happier than to see someone learn about Nordic Walking, fall in love with it and then use it hit their personal weight loss or fitness goals.
My name is Sarah Bennison.I have been teaching swimming for 25 years and have always had an interest in keeping myself fit.I have a passion for walking and especially in the delightful countryside we have in Uttlesford.

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Winchester Nordic Walking

Hi, I’m Rebecca and I’m an instructor for Winchester Nordic Walking.  We are a friendly and welcoming group of Nordic Walkers who love exercising outdoors in the beautiful Hampshire Countryside.  I took up Nordic walking as an alternative to going to the gym and have been instructing since 2020.

Nordic walking is a great way to;

  • improve your fitness,
  • tone your muscles,
  • maintain mobility, and
  • improve your posture,

Not to mention the social and mental health benefits it brings.


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WALX Salisbury and the Chase

We are a friendly group of instructors of love to share their passion for Nordic Walking and helping people to achieve their goals. Nothing make us happier than to see someone learn about Nordic Walking, fall in love with it and then use it hit their personal weight loss or fitness goals.

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Nordic Walking UK Liverpool

We’re here for you!We are a friendly group of instructors who love to share their passion for Nordic Walking and helping people to achieve their goals. Nothing make us happier than to see someone learn about Nordic Walking, fall in love with it and then use it hit their personal weight loss or fitness goals. Nordic Walking UK Liverpool provides walks and classes for everyone across Liverpool. We can introduce you to the World of Nordic Walking and provide regular classes close to where you live or work.

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Northants Nordic Walking

This is a regional page of supported independent instructors in this area – please see the team section below to see who they are or search for instructors in your area.

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Warwickshire Nordic Walking

This is a regional page of supported independent instructors in this area – please see the team section below to see who they are or search for instructors in your area.

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Oxfordshire Nordic Walking

This is a regional page of supported independent instructors in this area – please see the team section below to see who they are or search for instructors in your area.


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Fiona Fisher

A Fitness Coach and Nordic Walking Instructor since 2011 working in the North Ayrshire area.

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