From the NWUK Community
By Emily Zigman at
Let’s kick start the year and get fit, build on new friendships, share experiences, and stop making excuses! I’m tired It’s too cold It’s too wet, It’s too hot It’s too late Let’s GO…. I become a Granny on New years day! My son and daughter in law gave me the most precious perfect little
By Emily Zigman at
Well, what a year we at NWUKTW have had! We’ve walked together in downpours where the rain slithered like melted wax down our waterproofs; on days where the clouds look like night-time, like a deep bruise, when it’s so dull it seems there’s a hundred tones of dismal grey. But did this deter us? Hell
By Jane Lees at
Save even more money on your NeWTs Nordic walks!!! Sign up for our £30 monthly membership, and you get these amazing benefits: All walks less than 2hrs long are FREE Minimum 50% discount on all longer walks* Protected against walk price increases Priority booking on special events & holidays 1 free walk per month with another
By Nordic Walking Watford at
Menopause is a natural part of ageing that usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age, as a woman’s oestrogen levels decline, and menstruation stops. Periods usually start to become less frequent over a few months or years before they stop altogether. Sometimes they can stop suddenly. Symptoms of the menopause Most women will
By Uttlesford Nordic Walking at
By Josine Baines at
There are so many benefits of Nordic Walking but the one thing that all my clients notice during their initial induction session, is how much it changes their posture and how much taller and straighter they are standing. This straighter posture comes not only from using the poles in the correct way (to propel
By Jane Lees at
(update 24 February 2022) The government have now removed all legislation around Covid, but we are still asking you to follow a few simple rules on our walks to ensure everyone stays safe. We have lots of vulnerable and clinically vulnerable people in the group, so whilst you might be willing to take the risk,
By Jane Lees at
Each month we ask you to share your walk photos, and the winner (or winners) will be used in our NeWTs 2023 calendar. Each month we want you to: take photos on walks post them on facebook/instagram/send them to Jane to post (we’ll create a dedicated thread each month or tag us in the post)
By Jane Lees at
Have you suffered from Covid and found it difficult to shake those residual symptoms? Being British, after being ill we typically start to feel a bit better and immediately think we’re fine and can just ‘power through’ that post-viral fatigue While some people might find they recover quite quickly, for others it can take much
By Jane Lees at
Strap on your Nordic poles and your best walking shoes and follow the famous footsteps of a man we all know and love, Forrest Gump. He ran to the end of town, the end of the county, the end of the state, and to the end of the coast. Then he ran back a few times.
By Jane Lees at
We want to try and make NeWTs the biggest and best Nordic walking group around, and to do that we need your help! Below we’ve listed some ways you can help, but we’re always open to suggestions, so if you can think of other ways to spread the word, do let us know. And if
By Nordic Walking Watford at
The key to making exercise work is to change the pace in order to provide different exercise benefits. Our bodies are amazing at ADAPTING to the exercise that we do so in order to see continuous improvement in fitness terms, we need to mix up our walking pace. BRISK WALKING You will see lots